STORIES FROM THE INSIDE is a 30 minute documentary filmed, edited and directed by first time offenders in a maximum security prison in Melbourne. The purpose of the documentary, as expressed by the young inmates who made it, is to stop other young people from making the same mistakes they themselves made.
The documentary project in the Youth Unit was initiated by Igniting Change and made in conjunction with Shark Island Productions. The film is made available for free streaming directly into the classroom via this web site. A comprehensive teachers study guide for schools, together with a 10-minute film about the innovative Youth Unit at the prison also accompany the film. (WATCH film)
The free study guide resource has been written by Australian Teachers of Media, and is provided through the support of our philanthropic partners. The film links with English (Life Writing, the audience perspective), Media Studies, Legal Studies, Civics and Citizenship, Psychology and PDHPE.
To enquire about using this film to support your work contact the Impact Producer Ariella Gery at: ariellagery at
You can watch a message from Sir Richard Branson here. Sir Richard became interested in the Prison's programs when he visited with Igniting Change.